• 31.03.2013 - 00:00 - Quelle: megamagisch

    TeMeL – Wohlstand

    Wer hat damit noch gerechnet? Nach einer länglichen Serie widriger Umstände haben es Max und Arne mal wieder geschafft eine neue Folge des megamagischsten Podcasts der Welt aufzunehmen. Sie sprechen mit der kölner Comiczeichnerin TeMeL über ihr neustes Machwerk “Wohlstand”, ihre Arbeitsweise, Katzen und Politik.
    Außerdem gibt TeMeL noch einen kleinen Ausblick in die Zukunft. Wir dürfen uns auf mehr freuen!

    Ansonsten wären da noch Zombies, etwas Radiorollenspiel, übertriebene Achterbahnen und natürlich Batman.





  • 08.06.2013 - 00:00 - Quelle: Die Nerdtanke
    Heute mit: Biertest Teil 3, Thomas b(r)aut, Gabe Newell: Reflections of a Video Game Maker, Microsoft/Skype liest mit und ist doof dabei, Web-Suchmaschine für Server: Shodan, Telekom: Deutschlands Internetvorräte sind ohne Drosselung bis 2016 erschöpft, Patton Oswalt's Star Wars Filibuster, Besuchte Webseiten herausfinden mal anders, Soylent wird jetzt verkauft, A Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong History of Programming Languages, Cooles Spiel im Retro-Look: Gunpoint, Retro-RPG im Browser: Heroine Dusk, Witziger Kopierschutz bei "Game Dev Tycoon", Elysium, Hintergründe aus Prügelspielen als animierte GIFs, Here is today
  • 01.09.2013 - 00:00 - Quelle: megamagisch

    Lange hat es gedauert, aber endlich ist es so weit: alle Hindernisse – es waren wirklich sehr sehr viele – konnten bei Seite geräumt werden und die Episode 10 dieses Podcasts wurde veröffentlicht.

    Podcasten bei Kerzenlicht unter freiem Himmel?
    Das fahle Mondlicht taucht die Szenerie in einen silbernen Glanz, Grillen zirpen im Hintergrund…

    Okay, und Mücken fliegen uns um die Kopfhörergeschützten Ohren und klamme Feuchtigkeit legt sich über die Aufnahmegeräte.
    Wieso wir uns das antun?
    Nur für euch.

    Nur um authentisch aufzunehmen, denn es geht diesmal um LARP, um Live Action Role Playing, und das findet nunmal draußen statt. Größtenteils.

    Viel Spaß!


    Der erste Charakter

    Die erste Gewandung

    Welche Con?

    LARP Filmtipps

  • 21.09.2013 - 00:00 - Quelle: Die Nerdtanke
    Heute mit: Biertest Teil 4, E-Mail ist jetzt sicher, Affiliate-Scam, Visualising Cryptocat's buggy PRNG, Quake-3-Bots nach 4 Jahren, Evoland, The Robots, AI and Unemployment Anti-FAQ, Man of Tai Chi, Produktivität, USB Condoms, Google's 20% Time is as good as dead, Android 4.4: KitKat, Hackery, Math & Design, Stephen King: 11/22/63, Skype tech erklärt, warum Skype nicht mehr P2P ist, The Walk, Xerox-Kopierer verändert Zahlen in sonst perfekt kopierten Seiten, Palettentricks beim Super Game Boy, TED Talk von Reggie Watts, QWOP Cosplay, Samir...You're breaking the car!
  • 05.11.2013 - 00:00 - Quelle: megamagisch

    ANDERS Cover

    Wie kann es aussehen, wenn ein Comic in Gemeinschaftsarbeit entsteht? Wie kann fieser Horror funktionieren und wieviel davon erleben Sarah Burrini, TeMeL und Mario Bühling in ihrem Alltag?

    Um dies und einiges mehr zu erfahren, war ich zu Gast in Sarahs Atelier und habe mich mit den dreien etwas über eine Stunde unterhalten.


    Die Gäste



    Zeug und tschüss

  • 14.11.2013 - 00:00 - Quelle: megamagisch

    ANDERS Cover

    Weiterhin außerhalb der megamagisch-Cave unterwegs, hat es mich dieses Mal nach Berlin verschlagen. Eine gute Stunde unterhalte ich mich mit Marcus Richter (Twitter/Flattr) über (Radio)Rollenspiel, Aufnahmetechnik, Gravity und optimistische Zukunft.

    Außerdem lasse ich mich mal wieder zu einem Versprechen hinreißen.
    Ich Trottel.


    Hallo liebe HörerInnen + Marcus

    Marcus und das Rollenspiel

    Die Mikrofonstation und ihre Technik

    Was bisher geschah

    So geht’s weiter

    Die schmutzigen Details



  • 05.12.2013 - 00:00 - Quelle: Die Nerdtanke
    Heute mit: Bier, Man Throws Away 7,500 Bitcoins, Spek, Nie wieder rausgehen: Dinge liefern lassen, Telekom schlägt nationales E-Mail-Netz vor, Löcher in Routern als Feature, TrueCrypt-Audit, Ransomware inkl. Crypto, Bücher, zombo.com, Mighty Tactical Shooter, The Stanley Parable, Renegade X, Heroes of the Storm, HelloRun, Abobo's Big Adventure, "Need For Speed"-Film, Alternatives Breaking-Bad-Ende, Serie "Revolution", Stalin's Rope Roads, Darian Gap, Atomraketen und unsichere Launch Codes, SoundCloud-Kommandozeile, Doofe Leute aussperren, WTFs der Woche, Betthupferl
  • 25.02.2014 - 00:00 - Quelle: megamagisch

    Welcome to Night Vale Cosplay

    Ihr musstet lange warten, aber das kennt Ihr ja schon. Neu ist dagegen, dass (der etwas eingerostete) Arne nicht mehr allein podcasten muss. Die taufrische Sarah steht ihm in dieser Episode bei und zusammen sprechen die beiden mit Fionna Kessler über Cosplay, die armen Männer und darüber, wie wundervoll es ist, etwas einfach toll zu finden.



    Cosplay und Fionna


    Es podcasteten

    Arne | Website | ADN | Twitter | Wunschzettel | Flattr Arne

    Sarah | Website | Twitter | Facebook | Wunschzettel | Flattr Sarah

    Fionna | Website | madgirlwithanxbox.tumblr.com | the-illusion-of-sanity.tumblr.com

  • 02.03.2014 - 00:00 - Quelle: Die Nerdtanke
    Heute mit: Bier, Security is hard, Bitcrypt-Fail, Coingen, Bachelor "IT-Sicherheit", Bullshit made in Germany, Eve Online: The bloodbath of B-R5RB, Strike Vector, Risk of Rain, Saber Rider: Die Fortsetzung, Edge of Tomorrow, Gritty Illustrations Of Childhood Characters, 1. April schon heute: Amazon verschickt im Voraus, Punisher - tweeting alarm, The Economics of Star Trek, HTC: Anatomy of an Android, Magenta und anderer Spaß beim Farbensehen, SoundFocus, jOOQ, St4k, Eye of the Nadeldrucker, Städte von oben, Celebrities read mean Tweets, Weißwürscht
  • 12.04.2014 - 00:00 - Quelle: megamagisch

    Fan-Art von Sarah Burrini Fan-Art von Sarah Burrini

    Sarah und Arne sind in dieser Episode von megamagisch zu Gast bei Mark Benecke und sprechen mit ihm – nicht nur, aber überwiegend – über Donaldismus. Denn Mark ist, abgesehen von circa einermillionensiebenhunderachtundvierzigtausendfünfhundertzwölf anderer Tätigkeiten und Hobbys, auch Donaldist und einer der wenigen Gesprächigen noch dazu.

    Mark ist übrigens gerade auch mal wieder auf Tour und alle, die sich das gerne mal ansehen wollen, finden hier die Termine.

    Podcasten bei Mark Benecke

    Fotos: Mark Benecke




    Was wir so gelesen haben


    Hier noch zwei Links, die Mark nachgereicht hat:

    Es podcasteten

    Arne | Website | ADN | Twitter | Wunschzettel | Flattr Arne

    Sarah | Website | Twitter | Facebook | Wunschzettel | Flattr Sarah

    Mark | Website | Facebook | Wikipedia | Termine

  • 09.06.2014 - 00:00 - Quelle: Die Nerdtanke
    Heute mit: Bier, Microsoft gibt Source von MS-DOS 2.0 raus, Windows-XP-Updates bis 2019, 24-Leute-Firma arbeitet und lebt zusammen in einem Haus in der Pampa, Schneller Lesen, Street Fighter: The Movie - What Went Wrong, "What If?"-Buch, San Pedro prison, Sercomm baut gerne Backdoors ein, TrueCrypt-Entwickler haben keinen Bock mehr, No Man's Sky, Super Time Force, Civ: Beyond Earth, Alle NES- und SNES-Titelbildschirme als Video, Steam In-Home Streaming, Evolve: Asymmetrischer Shooter 4 vs. 1, The Expert: 7 red lines, Depixelizing Pixel Art, Sixth Sense, Vergleich absurder Übernahme-Deals wie Whatsapp/Facebook, Superman mit GoPro, Living with Lag, Kids react to old computers
  • 19.07.2014 - 00:00 - Quelle: Die Nerdtanke
    Heute mit: Bier von Axel, Dockwise Vanguard, Kartoffelsalat, Coolest-Kühlbox, Grüner See Tragöss, Dresden wird De-Mail-City, Arcade Story, World of Warcraft: Level 90 mal anders, Broforce, Valiant Hearts, DOS on DOPE, Warum auch verschlüsseln?, Mark Hammill As The Joker Telling Mark Hammil As Luke Skywalker That He's His Father, Windows 3.1 im Web, Vorstandsmitglied Algorithmus, R.I.P. freshmeat.net, Simpsons in CSS, Hose anziehen: Look ma, no hands!, Sigourney Weaver hat's drauf, Techno-Gitarre 2.0, Feuerwerk mittendrin
  • 15.12.2014 - 00:00 - Quelle: Die Nerdtanke
    Heute mit: Bier Deathmatch: Slowenien vs Belgien, Hörerbrief: Update bzgl. Qubes OS, Express-Bierkühlung, Stille SMS, Best Trial Expiry, Batman-Briefmarken, Roko's Basilisk, Naumachia, Sway, The Grid, Keyboard-Ghosting erklärt, Immediate-mode UI, Hearthstone-Simulator Hearthbreaker, Emulator-backed Remakes, Contraption Maker, Electronic Super Joy, Nuclear Throne, Rebel Galaxy, Eve Online: Red vs Blue, Lost Ark, How Does No Man's Sky Actually Work?, Mad Max: Fury Road, Tomorrowland, US-Remake von "IT Crowd" ist freaky, Buchserie "Magic 2.0", Billigbierratingagentur, Postcards from Pripyat, Chernobyl, Rob Whitworth Video Portfolio, GoPro: The Adventure of Life in 4K, Jeff Goldblum macht Werbung für neue Glühbirnen, True Facts About The Mantis Shrimp
  • 23.01.2015 - 00:00 - Quelle: megamagisch

    #nerdgirlsinNYC war der Hashtag, den Sarah und Anne Delseit verwendeten, um Ihre Reise zur New York Comic Con bei Twitter zu dokumentieren. Über diese Reise und noch einiges mehr unterhalten wir uns in der lange ersehnten 15. Episode von megamagisch.

    NYCC 2015


    New York Comic Con




    Und so…

    Party! Party! Party!

    Der Ponyhof bei Panini

    Noch mal hin?

    Was die Zukunft bringt

    • Annes Schattenarie erscheint am 24. Februar 2015
    • Anne signiert am 14. März von 16:00 bis 17:00 Uhr auf der Leipziger Buchmesse
    • Sarahs “Das Leben ist kein Ponyhof Band 2” Reprint wird im Frühjahr (2015) bei Panini erscheinen

    Was es in letzter Zeit so gab

    NYCC 2015 - Loot

    Es podcasteten

    Arne | Website | ADN | Twitter | Wunschzettel | Flattr Arne

    Sarah | Website | Twitter | Facebook | Wunschzettel | Flattr Sarah

    Anne | Website | Twitter | Facebook | Wunschzettel | Instagram

  • 07.02.2015 - 00:00 - Quelle: megamagisch

    Peter und Arne gehen zusammen der Frage auf den Grund, was denn eigentlich gutes Live-Rollenspiel ausmacht und wie man das eigene Charakterspiel verbessern kann. Natürlich mal wieder gewürzt mit einigen Anekdoten und anderem Tralala.



    Was heißt denn gutes Live-Rollenspiel?

    Sind Regeln wichtig

    Was es in letzter Zeit so gab

    Es podcasteten

    Arne | Website | Twitter | Wunschzettel | Flattr Arne

    Peter | Website | Twitter | Wunschzettel |

  • 19.02.2015 - 00:00 - Quelle: megamagisch

    Und schon wieder eine Folge, das kann doch gar nicht wahr sein. Versuchen diese Leute etwa, einfach in den ersten Monaten so viele Folgen wie möglich zu produzieren um sich dann für den Rest des Jahres schön rausreden zu können? Das weiß keiner.

    Dieses Mal unterhalten sich Sarah und Arne ausführlich mit Anne Delseit über Manga, die Comics aus Japan.


    Was ist denn eigentlich Manga?

    Eine Manga-Gender-Frage


    Manga Bildsprache

    Manga traut sich mehr


    Manga-Ressourcen für den Einstieg



    Es podcasteten

    Arne | Website | ADN | Twitter | Wunschzettel | Flattr Arne

    Sarah | Website | Twitter | Facebook | Wunschzettel | Flattr Sarah

    Anne | Website | Twitter | Facebook | Wunschzettel | Instagram

  • 10.03.2015 - 00:00 - Quelle: megamagisch


    Am 28. März ist es mal wieder so weit, der Gratisrollenspieltag ist wieder da! Und weil Arne das so cool findet und sowieso schon öfter mal kurz auf das Thema eingegangen ist, bekommt es jetzt auch eine eigene Episode spendiert.

    Arne unterhält sich ausführlich mit Moritz Mehlem, einem der Organisatoren, über die Idee und was dazugehört sie umzusetzen. Außerdem geht es noch ein bisschen um spielende Jugendliche und natürlich gibt es auch dieses Mal wieder Empfehlungen.


    Kein Intro dafür Moritz

    Der Gratisrollenspieltag

    Die Empfehlungen

    Es podcasteten

    Arne | Website | ADN | Twitter | Wunschzettel | Flattr Arne

    Moritz | Website

  • 05.04.2015 - 00:00 - Quelle: Die Nerdtanke
    Heute mit: Bier heute, Using Lasers to Create Super-hydrophobic Materials, Hamburg walls use hydrophobic paint to pee back, BPG Image format, Introducing Spot, CipherShed, Operation Socialist: The inside story of how British spies hacked Belgium's largest telco, New Sonos logo design pulses like a speaker when scrolled, RFC 20 has been elevated to Internet Standard, Super Mario World Credits Warp, Technobabylon, Day of the Tentacle Special Edition announced, Heroes of the Storm, Cixin Liu: The Three-Body Problem, WhatSim / ChatSim, Paperspace, Donatello, Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael VS Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael
  • 13.12.2015 - 00:00 - Quelle: Die Nerdtanke
    Heute mit: Bier heute, Spielkarten-Prototyping mit Squib, tcpdump in der Fritz!Box, Farben bei Farbenblindheit: EnChroma, Kamera-Drohne Lily, Schreibmaschine over USB, CGA mit 1000 Farben, Schlösserknacken mit Arduino und 3D-Drucker, Confession: I was a teenage computer virus writer, Hearthstone: 40 Stunden für 1 Zug, Rebel Galaxy, Dreadnought, New Doom, Cyberpunk 2077, Rocket League, Agar.io, Pico-8, Batman v Superman, EVE Online Fanfest 2015 Trailer, "Evolve" als Film: The Leviathan, Mal wieder ein Trailer für Star Wars 7, Star Wars: Knights of the Fallen Empire, THX Deep Note, Lecker Äpfel aus Tschernobyl, Powercreep: Crystal Knows, Kein Funk in der Quiet Zone, Web Design, the first 100 years , Chat Roulette RL FPS, Stems für mehr Remixes, Software-Steadycam SteadXP, Real World Thor's Hammer, You're More Successful Than You Realize, Papp-PC: Cardboard Dream Setup Entry #34UC87C , Hey Pass Me A Beer, Kind macht klasse Zaubertricks mit Münze, Klettern mit Katzen, Edge of Stability
  • 31.01.2017 - 22:03 - Quelle: Mikrowelle
  • 14.06.2017 - 21:59 - Quelle: Mikrowelle
  • 18.07.2017 - 20:07 - Quelle: Mikrowelle
  • 10.10.2017 - 21:26 - Quelle: Mikrowelle
  • 03.12.2017 - 18:51 - Quelle: Mikrowelle
  • 28.01.2018 - 16:32 - Quelle: Mikrowelle
  • 17.04.2018 - 15:35 - Quelle: 1337@kultur:~$
    maha und Pavel sprechen über Maschinendenken und denkende Maschinen


    avatar Pavel Mayer
    avatar maha liberapay Icon mahas Wunschzettel Icon paypal Icon


    Länge: 2:03:48
    Shownoter: Freiwillige Helfer auf shownot.es


    Die Zeitangaben sind nur ein ungefährer Anhaltspunkt wegen des Vorspanns und einiger kleinerer Schnitte. Daran wird noch gearbeitet.

    Vorspann (public domain): futuristische Computergeräusche (freesound)

  • 16.05.2018 - 00:00 - Quelle: 1337@kultur:~$
    maha und Tim sprechen über E-Sport, also sportliche Videospiele


    avatar maha liberapay Icon mahas Wunschzettel Icon paypal Icon
    avatar Tim Kunt


    Länge: 2:28:26
    Shownoter: Freiwillige Helfer auf shownot.es


    Die Zeitangaben sind nur ein ungefährer Anhaltspunkt wegen des Vorspanns und einiger kleinerer Schnitte. Daran wird noch gearbeitet.

    Vorspann: Remix von gemeinfreien Geräuschen (Computer, Schwertkampf), Quelle: freesound.org

    Bildnachweis: Titelbild: DreamHack (cc-by-sa: Toffelginkgo), Kapitelbild More Spaghetti (cc-by-sa: Kim Scarborough), die übrigen Kapitelbilder sind gemeinfrei


    Tim Kunt, @grotzidota




    Heutige Situation




  • 19.05.2018 - 00:00 - Quelle: Die Nerdtanke
    Heute mit:
  • 26.06.2018 - 20:34 - Quelle: Mikrowelle
  • 14.09.2018 - 19:03 - Quelle: Mikrowelle
  • 27.11.2018 - 13:57 - Quelle: Mikrowelle
  • 19.01.2019 - 00:00 - Quelle: 1337@kultur:~$
    Der 1337kultur-Podcast ist zu Gast im Bamberger Naturkundemuseum, dessen Leiter Dr. Matthias Mäuser über Naturkunde, das Museum und seine Arbeit spricht. Im Besonderen wird es um den Wattendorfer Plattenkalt gehen, wo sehr interessante und ziemlich eindrucksvolle Fossilien gefunden wurden.


    avatar maha liberapay Icon mahas Wunschzettel Icon paypal Icon
    avatar Dr. Matthias Mäuser


    Länge: 2:00:07
    Shownoter: Freiwillige Helfer auf shownot.es


    Die Zeitangaben sind nur ein ungefährer Anhaltspunkt wegen des Vorspanns und einiger kleinerer Schnitte. Daran wird noch gearbeitet.

    Vorspann: Vogelgezwitscher, Quelle: freesound.org, gemeinfrei

    Vorstellung (00:00)

    Was ist Naturkunde? (00:05)

    • Naturkunde, Naturgeschichte, Paläontologie
    • Smartphone-Applikation

    Das Bamberger Museum (00:12)

    Wattendorfer Plattenkalk (01:11)

    Sammlungen (01:42)

  • 15.03.2019 - 17:38 - Quelle: 1337@kultur:~$
    Mit der Foto-Künstlerin Anna Belial spricht maha über die Portrait-Fotografie (in der neuen Rechtschreibung auch Porträt-Fotografie). Es geht um Bildkomposition, Inszenierung, Licht, Ausrüstung und Foto-Bearbeitung. Natürlich können diese Aspekte hier nur jeweils angerissen werden. Nützliche Tipps sind dabei, aber die einzelnen Themen müssen vielleicht in späteren Podcasts noch vertieft werden.


    avatar maha liberapay Icon mahas Wunschzettel Icon paypal Icon
    avatar Anna Belial


    Länge: 2:28:31
    Shownoter: Freiwillige Helfer auf shownot.es


    Die Zeitangaben sind nur ein ungefährer Anhaltspunkt wegen des Vorspanns und einiger kleinerer Schnitte. Daran wird noch gearbeitet.

    Vorspann: Klicken des Auslösers eines Fotoapparats


    Was gibt es für unterschiedliche Fotografie? 0:13:11

    • Fine Art
    • Kommerzielle Fotografie

    Was machst du für Fotos? 0:30:23

    Komposition 0:33:00

    Drittel-Regel 0:42:55

    Spiegelportrait 0:52:10

    Doppelportrait 0:58:11

    Katzenportrait, Fotonachbereitung 1:18:09

    Ausrüstung 1:50:06

    Licht 2:20:35

  • 05.06.2019 - 18:21 - Quelle: Mikrowelle
  • 07.08.2019 - 22:00 - Quelle: 1337@kultur:~$
    maha spricht mit xoquox über dessen Erfahrungen bei Reisen durch westafrikanische Staaten. Dabei geht es zunächst um organisatorische Probleme (Visa, Fahrzeuge, Vorbereitung), dann um die einzelnen bereisten Länder.


    avatar maha liberapay Icon mahas Wunschzettel Icon paypal Icon
    avatar xoquox


    Länge: 1:51:11
    Shownoter: Freiwillige Helfer auf shownot.es


    Die Zeitangaben sind nur ein ungefährer Anhaltspunkt wegen des Vorspanns und einiger kleinerer Schnitte. Daran wird noch gearbeitet.




    Podcasts, die wir schon gemeinsam gemacht haben:

    besonders natürlich über den ersten Dust & Diesel-Podcast:

    Aktuelle Reisen

    Strecke, Länder

    • Marocco
    • Mauretanien
    • Senegal
    • Guinea Bissau
    • Guinea
    • Sierra Leone
    • Liberia
    • Mali
    • Burkina Faso


    Wie organisiert man sowas? Visa, Impfungen, Auto usw.

    Einzelne Länder




    Sierra Leone



    Burkina Faso

    Pläne für die Zukunft

    • … weiter nach Südafrika
  • 23.02.2020 - 21:43 - Quelle: 1337@kultur:~$
    Thema dieser Folge ist die neue Star Trek-Serie Picard. Wir nehmen diese Sendung nach der fünften Episode der ersten Staffel auf (in der Hoffnung, dass es weitere Staffeln geben wird, dann melden wir uns wieder).


    avatar maha liberapay Icon mahas Wunschzettel Icon paypal Icon
    avatar Alex
    avatar Anna Belial


    Länge: 3:28:15
    Shownoter: Freiwillige Helfer auf shownot.es


    Die Zeitangaben sind nur ein ungefährer Anhaltspunkt wegen des Vorspanns und einiger kleinerer Schnitte. Daran wird noch gearbeitet.

    Spoiler: Season 2 ist unterwegs!

    Vorspann: Öffnen einer Flasche Château Picard ’86

    Bildnachweis: Quelle, cc-Lizenz

    Wir werden spoilern, gehen aber davon aus, dass ohnehin alle die ersten fünf Episoden schon gesehen haben.

  • 27.03.2020 - 16:59 - Quelle: 1337@kultur:~$
    In dieser Folge sprechen advi und maha jeweils von Zuhause aus über Online-Lehre. Im Zentrum steht die Vorstellung von mehr oder weniger geeigneten Werkzeugen, die man für die Bereitstellung von Online-Angeboten für Lehre und Lernen benötigt; daneben wollen wir auch über unsere Erfahrungen sprechen und ein paar grundsätzliche Fragen diskutieren.


    avatar maha liberapay Icon mahas Wunschzettel Icon paypal Icon
    avatar Advi


    Länge: 1:57:57
    Shownoter: Freiwillige Helfer auf shownot.es


    Die Zeitangaben sind nur ein ungefährer Anhaltspunkt wegen des Vorspanns und einiger kleinerer Schnitte. Daran wird noch gearbeitet.


    Kreide auf Tafel

    Allgemeine Überlegungen

    • Warum Online-Lehre?


  • 16.04.2020 - 22:37 - Quelle: 1337@kultur:~$
    Seit dem letzten Gespräch von advi und maha über Online-Lehre hat sich viel getan. Daher ist ein kurzes Follow-Up-Gespräch sicher nützlich. Danke auch für die vielen Kommentare und Hinweise.


    avatar maha liberapay Icon mahas Wunschzettel Icon paypal Icon
    avatar Thomas Brandt


    Länge: 1:48:47
    Shownoter: Freiwillige Helfer auf shownot.es


    Die Zeitangaben sind nur ein ungefährer Anhaltspunkt wegen des Vorspanns und einiger kleinerer Schnitte. Daran wird noch gearbeitet.


    Mix aus Kreide auf Tafel (aus Folge 71) und Computer-Tastatur

    Allgemeine Überlegungen


  • Der Datenkanal 93 führte uns in die Welt der Medizin, genauer gesagt in die Medizinstatistik. Wir hatten das Glück, zwei Professoren vom Institut für Medizinische Statistik, Informatik und Datenwissenschaften (IMSID) im Studio zu haben:

    Herr Scherag leitet das Institut am Universitätsklinikum Jena und Herr Spreckelsen ist hier Professor für Medizininformatik. Er kam erst kürzlich von der RWTH Aachen nach Jena.

    In unserem Gespräch versuchten wir zu ergründen, was das IMSID genau macht und welche Schritte man benötigt, um Medizininformatiker zu werden.

    Das Universitätsklinikum ist Teil des Konsortiums des SMITH-Projektes. SMITH steht dabei für Smart Medical Information Technology for Healthcare und versucht, neue Lösungen in der Patientenversorgung zu entwickeln. Wir sprechen über die verschiedene Projekte und unter anderem auch über die elektronische Patientenakte.

    Viel Spaß beim Anhören!

    Download und Anhören

  • Das Radio OKJ hat wieder seine Pforten geöffnet und so trafen wir uns wieder im Studio, um eine Sendung aufzuzeichnen. Anfangs mussten wir die richtigen Knöpfe und Regler finden. Doch dann konnte die Sendung, wie gewohnt, starten.

    Das Thema der Sendung war das Hypertext Transfer Protocol, HTTP. Wir sprachen ein wenig darüber, woher HTTP kommt und wie es funktioniert. Dadurch kamen wir auch auf einige der Probleme des Protokolls zu sprechen. Diese führten dann zu verschiedenen Weiterentwicklungen, wie SPDY, HTTP2 und schließlich HTTP3. Jörg erklärte einige der Neuerungen und wir hoffen, dass wir dann bald das Protokoll in der Realität einsetzen können. ;-)

    Download und Anhören

  • Unsere Webseite hat heute ein kleines Upgrade erfahren. Ab sofort könnt ihr unsere Beiträge auch im “Darknet”, also als Tor Onion Service (Hörempfehlung: DK51 Tor) hören. Dazu könnt ihr die URL http://m7usgyjxnqd4bmt2oxleh2tijix47zcho5abdu6g6sjato7zmeewy4ad.onion/ in euren Tor-Browser eingeben. Wenn euer Tor-Browser neu genug ist, so zeigt er euch in der Adresszeile auch einen Hinweis an (siehe unten) und ihr müsst einfach nur drauf klicken.

    Viel Spaß damit!

    Continue reading "Datenkanal als Tor Onion Service"
  • Die heutige Sendung haben wir wieder einmal genutzt, um einige lose Enden aufzusammeln. Los ging es mit der Ankündigung, dass unsere Seite als Tor Onion Service verfügbar ist. Wir diskutierten über Tor Onion Services, Threat-Intelligence-Firmen und das nahende Ende der v2-Onion-Services.

    Von da führte uns der Weg zu Frag den Staat. Jörg interessierte sich, wieviele Demonstrationen es im Stadtgebiet gibt. In einer Diskussion mit Jens stellte dieser eine Anfrage im Rahmen des Thüringer Transparenzgesetzes an die Stadt Jena und die Landespolizeiinspektion. Wir werden später sehen, ob und welche Ergebnisse es gab.

    Eine weitere Anfrage bezog sich auf die dienstlichen E-Mail-Accounts der Thüringer Lehrerinnen und Lehrer. Im Juni 2020 kündigte das TLfDI an, Bussgelder gegen die Berufsgruppe zu verhängen bzw. dies zu prüfen. Bei Interviews ging Dr. Hasse auf die Problematik ein und erwähnte, dass es Probleme mit den dienstlichen E-Mail-Accounts der Lehrerinnen und Lehrer gäbe. Jens fand heraus, dass es sich im Wesentlichen um Webmail mit weiteren Einschränkungen handelt. Eine Dienstanweisung verbietet den Versand einer Vielzahl personenbezogener Informationen und bezieht sich auf eine Risikobewertung. Jens hat eine Anfrage nach dieser Bewertung gestellt.

    Bei dem Thema sprechen wir auch über Abiturprüfungen und die Aktion »Frag Sie Abi«. Leider erlaubt das ThürIFG nicht die Abfrage von Prüfungen. Daher gab es zu Thüringen keine Ergebnisse.

    Am Ende erzählt Jörg noch etwas zu seinem Softwarefund Languagetool. Damit lässt sich Rechtschreibung von Texten prüfen. Er beschreibt, welchen Nutzen er aus der Software zieht und wie die konfiguriert ist.

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  • Ein Thema, welches schon lange auf unserer Wunschliste steht, ist das Internetprotokoll der neuen Generation, IPv6. ;-)

    Die Anfänge unserer heutigen Netzwerk-Kommunikation liegen sehr lange zurück. Im Jahr 1974 wurde der RFC 675 veröffentlicht, der ein Transmission Control Protocol definierte. Dieses wurde sieben Jahre später durch den RFC 791 ergänzt und aus beiden entstand das, was wir heute als TCP/IP kennen. Mittlerweile hat sich die Uhr weitergedreht und es wird viel darüber diskutiert, dass die IPv4-Adressen aufgebraucht sind. Daneben haben sich einige weitere Probleme mit dem Protokoll gezeigt. So begann Mitte der 1990er Jahre die Arbeit an einem neuen Internetprotokoll. Dies wurde mit RFC 2460 (IPv6) spezifiziert. Daneben gibt es eine Reihe weiterer RFCs, die Aspekte von IPv6 genauer festlegen.

    Wir sprechen in der Sendung über einige Aspekte von IPv6 und ziehen den Vergleich mit IPv4. Der offensichtlichste Unterschied ist das Aussehen der IP-Adressen. Von Adressen der Form bekommen wir jetzt Adressen der Form fe80::c45d:77ff:fe0a:e8de oder fe80:: oder auch ff02::1%wlp3s0. Wir sprechen über verschiedene Arten der Adressen, Präfixe, Suffixe etc., wie kommt ein Rechner zu einer Adresse und ein wenig zu Routing.

    Nach zwei Stunden Sendezeit haben wir einen Überblick zu dem Thema geschaffen. Unser Plan ist es, in einer zweiten Sendung das Thema dann noch weiter zu vertiefen.

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  • 31.10.2020 - 22:53 - Quelle: 1337@kultur:~$
    Maurice Conrad ist Schauspielschüler und Aktivist aus Mainz; maha unterhält sich mit ihm über die Schauspielerei, seine Rollen, seine Ausbildung und was Schauspielen für ihn bedeutet.



    Länge: 2:20:32
    Shownoter: Freiwillige Helfer auf shownot.es


    Die Zeitangaben sind nur ein ungefährer Anhaltspunkt wegen des Vorspanns und einiger kleinerer Schnitte. Daran wird noch gearbeitet.





  • Wir haben in der aktuellen Sendung ein Gespräch mit dem Rechtsanwalt André Stämmler über das Urheber- und Lizenzrecht unterhalten. André Stämmler ist Fachanwalt für Urheber- und Medienrecht und begleitet uns bei unseren Fragen durch das Thema.

    In der Sendung gingen wir davon aus, dass wir einen Podcast und eine Webseite dazu machen. Dazu entstanden diverse Fragen zum Thema, die wir gemeinsam diskutierten.

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  • Tweet der Polizei

    Gute Polizeiarbeit braucht gute IT.
    Mit diesem Tweet warb der Twitter-Account der Polizei Thüringen kürzlich um Mitarbeiter:innen für deren interne IT. Daraufhin bot Andreas Ufertschonungslos ehrliche, aber auch faire Informationen aus erster Hand” an. Dies weckte natürlich unser Interesse und so luden wir Andreas in unsere Sendung ein.

    Andreas arbeitete zwischen 2002 und 2013 beim Thüringer Landeskriminalamt (TLKA). Dort betreute er HP-UX- und Linux-basierte Systeme sowie Oracle-Datenbanken. Auf den Systemen lief das polizeiliche Informationssystem INPOL-neu bzw. INPOL-Land. Damals betreute das TLKA aus Sicht der IT den gesamten Freistaat Thüringen. 

    INPOL-neu speichert Daten über Straftaten und Personen. Das System kann dann gefragt werden, wer gesucht wird, ob Haftbefehle bestehen usw.

    Antwort von Andreas Ufert

    Andreas erzählt uns etwas über den technischen Aufbau der Systeme, über die Strukturen und den Aufbau des INPOL-Systems. Daneben erfahrt ihr auch, was ihm bei der Arbeit gefiel und warum er jetzt etwas anderes macht.

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  • 11.08.2021 - 11:07 - Quelle: 1337@kultur:~$

    maha spricht mit xoquox über seine Influencer-Aktivitäten auf YouTube; xoquox produziert Videos für Autoschrauber und über Reisen nach Afrika.



    Länge: 2:47:56
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    Die Zeitangaben sind nur ein ungefährer Anhaltspunkt wegen des Vorspanns und einiger kleinerer Schnitte. Daran wird noch gearbeitet.


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  • 30.08.2021 - 12:21 - Quelle: Blick über den Tellerrand

    $300 is a lot of money. It can get you a fantastic on-ear headphone, some genuinely outstanding over-ears, maybe even a perfect mid-range pair that could be the only pair of headphones you own for years to come.

    The bar for what counts as “excellent” is pretty high here, and The Redwood Plan has outlined my specific expectations for headphones in the paragraphs below.

    We’ll be looking at many different items divided into separate categories. You will find the best headphones under $300 for music, gaming and when you are exercising.

    We’ll also be taking a look at the types of headphones you should focus on when you plan on spending less than $300.

    If you are here to find recommended headphones, we recommend jumping to the right section by clicking on one of the links below:

    1. The best headphones under $300 for music
    2. The best headphones under $300 when working out
    3. The best headphones under $300 for gaming

    Types of Headphones You Can Buy For Less Than $300

    This section will discuss the three different types of headphones you can buy for less than $300. If you have read our article on the best headphones under $500, you will notice a big difference in which kind of headphones we recommend for people that want to spend less than $300.

    Closed-Back Headphones

    This type of headphones has a closed ear cup which means the music doesn’t leak out and others can’t hear what you are listening to. They also offer better noise isolation. The downside is that they can feel a bit “claustrophobic” for some users. If you listen to your music at high volumes, the closed-back headphones that isolate noise best tend to be bigger and heavier.

    This type of headphones is suitable for any music, games and movies where you want to feel immersed in sound with decent isolation from outside noise.

    Open-Back Headphones

    This type of headphone has an open ear cup which means that sound can leak in and out. Not ideal for noisy environments.

    Open-back headphones offer a more natural listening experience as you feel in the room where the recording took place. Open-back headphones are best suited for home use, though they are not very practical for outdoor use.

    User Intent Plays a Major Role

    The way you intend to use the headphones plays a significant role in which category of headphones you should look for. This is important because each category caters to a different type of user.

    If you use your headphones at home or in a studio, open-back headphones would be your best bet. If you plan on using them while exercising, noise-cancelling closed-back headphones are the way to go. For all other occasions (at home, studying in a library, using public transport), a pair of closed-back headphones would be your best bet.

    Open-back headphones typically have a more airy and natural sound. They are also lighter than closed-back headphones as there is no need to produce a tighter seal around the ear cup to block outside sound.

    In an attempt to make it easier for you to find the right headphone, we have divided our recommendations into the following three categories:

    • Headphones for music
    • Headphones for exercising
    • Headphones for gaming

    Headphones for Music

    I’m sure you already have a certain standard for what makes good music headphones. We all listen to different genres, and we all want something that sounds “good.” What is “good”, though? It’s hard to define, but when you hear it, you know it.

    In doing my research, I searched for headphones that appealed to audiophiles and casual listeners alike. I also wanted to stay away from the “fashion models” as much as possible, which meant staying away from over-priced headphones that look pretty but sound awful.

    Sports and Exercise

    In today’s world, we rely heavily on our gadgets. We just can’t get enough of them, and one of the most widely used ones is the Bluetooth headphones. Bluetooth earbuds are now trendy in all forms of exercise, from running to weightlifting. They allow us to listen to music without tangling up in wires and give us freedom of movement.

    I also wanted to find a pair that would come with noise-cancelling because if you’re going to focus on your workout, you don’t need to be constantly aware of the surrounding noises. It can get pretty annoying when exercising, as gym machines are usually quite loud, and people tend to forget how much they talk.

    Gaming Headphones

    Last but not least, what about gaming headphones? Yes, you can use your regular headphones for gaming. However, sometimes it is nice to have an extra level of detail or a better surround sound experience while we play games.

    Like with music headphones, I also looked for a balanced sound experience that doesn’t emphasise any particular range of frequencies.

    The Best Music Headphones Available Under $300

    The music headphone market is the largest out of all three categories. There are so many low-quality options available that it’s tough to find a pair that sounds good while still being affordable. However, even though they might not be as well known as Beats by Dre, we dug deep and found some real gems.

    Bose QuietComfort 35 II Wireless Bluetooth Headphones

    The Bose QuietComfort 35 II has been praised for its excellent noise-cancelling capability and comfortable fit. The oval ear cups are huge, which means that they fully cover your ears. This prevents sound leakage because there is no air gap between your head and the headphones.

    Most reviewers agree that these headphones have a very balanced sound and don’t emphasise any particular frequencies. They are also perfect for blocking out high-frequency sounds, so I would recommend them if you’re looking to use them in a loud city or public transport.

    Amazon Price: $299

    ASIN: B079NM341X

    Bose SoundLink Around-Ear Wireless Headphones II

    The Bose SoundLink II are similar to the QuietComfort, but their design is slightly different. The ear cups look more like actual circles, which means they will not cover your ears entirely. On the other hand, this gives them a more open sound, and they leak less because there’s no air gap between you and the outside world.

    There’s not much to say about these headphones because they’re pretty straightforward. Many reviewers agree that the sound quality is excellent, although some claim that their bass can be slightly overwhelming at times. Overall though, they are a solid choice for anyone looking for good sounding music headphones under $300

    Amazon Price: $229.00

    ASIN: B0117RGG8E

    Jabra Elite 85h Wireless Noise-Canceling Headphones

    The Jabra Elite 85h is an excellent choice for those of you that are more into the bass. These headphones have a fantastic, powerful beat, and every note can be heard loud and clear. They come with built-in intelligent sensors that allow you to control ambient noise depending on your preferences.

    Additionally, they offer pretty impressive sound isolation, and the ear cups are very soft and comfortable. Another great advantage is their quick charging feature which gives you up to 5 hours of playtime from only 15 minutes of charging.

    Amazon Price: $246.15

    ASIN: B07RQ366VK

    SENNHEISER Momentum 3 Wireless Noise Cancelling Headphones

    Sennheiser is a well-known brand in the audio industry. Professionals and musicians use their headphones, but they’re also great for recreational use. The Momentum 3s feature a taut headband that keeps them securely on your head without making you feel any discomfort or pain.

    They have an extended bass range, and they’re also really sturdy and durable. If you’re looking for something sleek and stylish that is also very functional and practical, these would be a great choice.

    Amazon Price: 273.99

    ASIN: B07VW98ZKG

    SONY WH-1000XM3 Wireless Noise-cancelling Stereo Headset

    Sony’s WH-1000XM3s are some of the most popular headphones available at the moment. They’re flashy, sleek and have a slight touch of luxury to them. The ear cups are large and comfortable so that you won’t feel any pressure on your head or ears.

    They come with built-in intelligent sensors that allow you to turn on the noise cancellation feature only when needed. This is beneficial for your ears because otherwise, you would be listening to music at a loud volume for long periods.

    They also have a great battery life: one charge gives you 30 hours of playtime, and they take only five minutes to reach total capacity.

    Amazon Price: $200.00


    Skullcandy Crusher ANC Personalized Noise Canceling Wireless Headphone

    Skullcandy is one of those brands that deliver on its promises. The Crusher ANC Headphones look pretty ordinary and straightforward, but they’re surprisingly good for sound quality.

    They have excellent noise isolation, and the battery life can reach up to 40 hours with just a single charge. They also come with built-in smart sensors, and you can find the ANC feature only when you need it.

    Additionally, other than playing music, these headphones can act as a headset for your calls.

    Amazon Price: $204.45


    The Top Sports & Exercise Headphones Under $300

    If you’re looking for headphones that would be specifically designed for sports and exercises, then the list below is ideal for you.

    We have selected only the best products on the market so that they will fit your needs. It doesn’t matter if you prefer running or biking- there’s something on this list for everyone!

    The first thing we took into consideration when creating this list is the sound quality. It’s pretty evidentYou that you will be increasing your heart rate and moving with intensity while exercising, so you don’t want a pair of earbuds that would keep falling out or have poor noise isolation. That’s why we selected only wireless earbuds in this category.

    Another essential thing to have in mind is the comfort level that each pair of headphones provides. If you’re exercising for long periods, you want something that won’t be annoying to wear.

    Bone Conduction Headphones Bluetooth Waterproof Open-Ear Earphones with 8G

    If you’re into swimming, then these are the best earphones for you. They come with Bluetooth to connect them to your smartphone or any other device, but they also use bone conduction technology.

    The headphones consist of two separate elements: one goes outside the water, and it has a loop design that keeps it in place while you move, while the other element stays inside your ear.

    In case you’re wondering how they work- well, the part that’s outside your ear has a special membrane that allows sound to come through. Still, it simultaneously uses bone conduction technology so you can hear music even when both of your ears are underwater.

    Amazon Price: $270.11

    ASIN: B08PPMH152

    Swimming Bone Conduction Headphones Waterproof Mp3 Player- Open Ear Sport Wireless Bluetooth 5.0 Earphones

    These earphones are very similar to the previous model, but they have a slightly different design. They also come with Bluetooth and use bone conduction technology, but instead of a loop design, they have an adjustable headband that keeps them in place while you’re exercising.

    We particularly like this feature because it can fit any size of the head perfectly.

    These earphones are also waterproof and have excellent sound quality. They provide you with all the necessary features to enjoy your favourite music while swimming or doing other exercises.

    Amazon Price: $292.39


    Bone Conduction Headphones Bluetooth Swimming Earphones IPX8 Waterproof

    If you’re looking for a lightweight and comfortable pair of earphones, then these are ideal. They also use bone conduction technology, but they come with a straightforward design- they have no loops or wires whatsoever.

    The cool thing about this model is that it has an IPX8 certification for water resistance. While the other models on our list can only be sweat-resistant, these can be completely submerged in water without any damage.

    Amazon Price: $231.31


    Neckband Bluetooth Headphones Wireless with Magnetic Earbuds 5.0 CVC 8.0 Waterproof

    If you don’t like earphones that go into your ears, this model is ideal. It has a unique design with earbuds that magnetically attach to the neckband and stay in place even when doing intense physical activities.

    This model also uses Bluetooth technology and has noise reduction features. The sound quality is pretty good as well, and you can use it for multiple purposes.

    Amazon Price: $237.55

    ASIN: B08VS481MX

    The Best Gaming Headphones You Can Buy for Less than $300

    One of the most significant advantages of gaming headphones over regular ones is that they can provide you with surround sound and make you feel more immersed in the game.

    There are many different types of these headphones, but it would be wireless headsets if we had to pick only one for this list. They usually come with noise-cancelling features, which means that you can hear all the sounds in your surroundings while still enjoying excellent sound quality.

    This is why they’re usually used by professional gamers and players who participate in tournaments.

    If you want to play any game without being interrupted by outside noise, then a pair of these headphones will make that possible.

    Here are some examples of wireless gaming headsets you can buy on a $300 budget:

    JBL Quantum ONE – Over-Ear Performance Gaming Headset with Active Noise Cancelling

    These headphones come with a very sleek design and are very comfortable on your head. They also cancel outside noise pretty well, so you can entirely focus on the game without being interrupted by any external sound.

    The ear cups on JBL Quantum ONE can rotate 90 degrees, which makes them perfect for every size of the head. These headphones have an advanced microphone system that can reduce background noise and provide you with a clear voice.

    Amazon Price: $249.95

    ASIN: B085R7TPCR

    Razer Opus – Active Noise Cancellation Gaming Headset

    These headphones are very similar to the previous model. They also have a great design, with earcups that can rotate and provide you with a comfortable fit. The ear cups also have breathable cushions, so they won’t make your ears very sweaty if you use them for an extended period.

    Another good thing about Razer Opus headphones is that they have a foldable design with an auto-adjusting headband. This means that you can adjust them to your size and take them everywhere with you, whether you’re on foot or travelling by plane.

    Amazon Price: $199.00

    ASIN: B087D89Z43

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    This article contains sponsored links to Amazon.com. This has in no way affected our recommendations.

    The post Excellent Headphones Under $300 appeared first on The Redwood Plan.

  • 30.08.2021 - 14:35 - Quelle: Blick über den Tellerrand

    The high-quality sound and comfort are not easy to find on a budget. But it is not impossible!

    We’ve been there, and we know what it’s like to want great sound without breaking the bank. In this post, we’ll show you how to get a pair of superb sounding headphones that don’t cost more than $200.

    This isn’t just about saving money (although that’s a nice bonus). It’s about getting the best bang for your buck. You want to invest in headphones that will remain the cornerstone of your portable audio setup for years to come.

    If you are looking for an upgrade from earbuds or on-ear headphones but can’t stretch your budget that far, these mid-range sets are well worth a look.

    Top 5 Best Music Headphones Under $200

    If you just want to listen to some great music, you will need a decent set of headphones. The sound quality is obviously important, but what about style? Comfort? Durability?

    If you want to move forward with confidence, knowing that your headphone investment will last, The Redwood Plan has sorted through the overwhelming number of options out there and come up with our top five choices for the best mid-range headphones. They are all under $200 and offer a range of features.

    Skullcandy Crusher ANC Personalized Noise Canceling Wireless Headphone

    Skullcandy Crusher ANC Personalized Noise Canceling Wireless Headphone

    A noise-cancelling technology is the best way to experience music in a noisy environment. And for this, you need a good pair of headphones that can isolate background noises and produce sound quality with crisp highs, clear midrange and deep bass.

    The Skullcandy Crusher ANC Personalized Noise Canceling Wireless Headphone is one of the best headphones under $200. It lets you control the sound using a button located on one of the earcups. This headphone gives an impressive music experience in all types of environments, whether watching movies, listening to podcasts, or anything else you need to do.

    This headphone has been designed keeping in mind the features of a music lover, so it won’t be wrong if you call this one as a gift for any occasion because it is perfect for anyone who wishes to experience music at its best without any disturbance. It may not look like the fanciest headphone, but it is worth its price with all those added features.

    The noise-cancelling ability of this headphone is excellent, and if you are looking for a headphone with audiophile sound quality, this one is the best buy. You may find some other headphones offering better and crystal clear music but not at such an affordable price range.

    Check Amazon price

    Jabra Elite Wireless Noise-Canceling Headphones

    Jabra Elite Wireless Noise-Canceling Headphones

    You love to listen to music while travelling. And when you are on the go, headphones are a perfect companion for your long journeys. An ideal music headphone reduces the noise you hear from a busy train or plane and enhances your favourite track’s enjoyment.

    Jabra Elite is one of the best headphones under $200 that offers that and so much more. The sound produced by this device can be simply described as immersive. You will get rich bass and crisp precision in the mid-range. The sound produced by these headphones is open and airy, and it doesn’t feel as though you’re listening through a plastic bubble.

    The design of the headphone is classy and modern. The headband is equipped with a cushioned padding that makes it very comfortable even for prolonged usage. You can use this headphone for an uninterrupted music session of eight hours as it comes with great battery life. Plus – they are water-resistant!

    Check Amazon price

    V-MODA Crossfade 2 Wireless Over-Ear Headphones

    V-MODA Crossfade 2 Wireless Over-Ear Headphones

    The V-MODA Crossfade 2 wireless over-ear headphones are one of the best headphones under $200. They are worth every buck.

    These headphones are specially designed to deliver powerful sound with rich, deep bass. They are really good at blocking out outside noise and provide you with the best experience for listening to music.

    You will get over 14 hours of playtime on a single charge as their battery life is pretty impressive. And the ear cushions are made so that they can be used for an uninterrupted listening experience.

    With the 3D wing support system, it is also very easy to adjust according to your comfort, you just need to move the cushioned pad inwards or outwards for getting perfect fitting. The ear cups are made of metal, so it’s not only beautifully crafted but also very durable. And if you get bored of the plain black colour, you can also change it by using the detachable ear cups shields. The design of this headphone is really different from other brands, which give it a unique look.

    One of the best aspects of this headphone is its microphone and remote to control your music and phone calls. You can also use it for hands-free calling, making it an ideal companion when you are on the go.

    Check Amazon price
    ASIN: B06XX1SR33

    Razer Opus Active Noise Cancelling ANC Wireless Headphones

    Razer Opus Active Noise Cancelling ANC Wireless Headphones

    Razer Opus is one of the best noise-cancelling headphones under $200 that provide you with the best music experience; as you can see, it comes with an over-ear design, making it exceptionally comfortable for long time use.

    The sound quality of these headphones is phenomenal. It provides a very pure and crisp sound that allows you to hear the details in songs more precisely. It comes with custom-tuned 40mm neodymium-magnet drivers, which give you deep bass and clear, crisp high notes as well.

    These headphones incorporate advanced beam-forming mics, which allow you to enjoy hands-free calls. The volume control is also placed on the headphone, so you don’t have to get up from your seat to adjust it while you are enjoying your music.

    Razer Opus comes with a very stylish design that makes it look like a premium model. It’s also quite comfortable as it comes with a padded leather headband that allows you to keep it on for prolonged hours. In addition, with the Razer Mobile App for iOS and Android devices, you can use your favourite EQ preset tailored to music genres like classical or rock. Thanks to the app, you can also update the firmware when necessary without having to plug in your device and control ambient noise levels by adjusting auto settings and much more!

    Check Amazon price
    ASIN: B087D88N39

    Sony WH900 h.Ear Series Wireless Over-Ear Noise Cancelling High-Resolution Headphones

    Sony WH900 h.Ear Series Wireless Over-Ear Noise Cancelling High-Resolution Headphones

    Sony WH900 h.Ear Series Wireless Over-Ear headphones are one of the best noise-cancelling headphones under $200 that provides you with a crystal clear music experience in a very affordable price range.

    In addition to excellent sound quality and being comfortable, the battery life on those headphones is also perfect! Sony WH900 can easily last over 20 hours on one charge, which means you don’t have to worry about running out of battery while travelling or just sitting at home.

    The ear cups of these headphones can be folded, which makes them easier to store in your luggage while travelling. If you are frequently on the move, then this is the perfect one for you.

    Like many other headphones, Sony WH900 also comes with a microphone so that switching between calls and music becomes very easy.

    Check Amazon price
    ASIN: B082L4THVN

    Best Gaming Headphones Under $200

    If you are a gaming freak and looking for the best headphone for your PlayStation or Xbox, then check out our list of best headphones for gaming, costing less than 200 dollars.

    There are many headphones in the market with all sorts of features, but we made sure that only top-rated headphones are included in this list so you can easily choose one without going through many reviews.

    We have focused on headphones created with gamers in mind. The features in these headphone sets need to give you a better gaming experience. The sound clarity of these headphones is excellent, and it also has active noise cancellation technology, which removes surrounding ambient noise and gives you an immersive game sound experience.

    Logitech G PRO X Wireless Lightspeed Gaming Headset with Blue VO!CE Mic Filter Tech

    Logitech G PRO X Wireless Lightspeed Gaming Headset with Blue VO!CE Mic Filter Tech

    Logitech is a well-known brand when it comes to gaming peripherals. It has designed a very stylish looking headset that comes with an around the neck design so that you can easily use them for extended periods.

    The sound quality of Logitech G Pro X is outstanding as it uses 50mm, neodymium drivers. This headphone also comes with a noise cancellation technology that removes all surrounding ambient sounds and provides you best sound experience while you are in the game.

    It also has a built-in mic with which you can easily communicate with your teammates. It comes with a very stylish design, making it one of the best gaming headphones for under 200 dollars.

    Check Amazon price
    ASIN: B081PP4CB6

    ASUS ROG Delta S Gaming Headset with USB-C | Ai Powered Noise-Canceling Microphone | Over-Ear Headphones

    ASUS ROG Delta S Gaming Headset with USB-C | Ai Powered Noise-Canceling Microphone | Over-Ear Headphones

    When it comes to gaming audio products, ASUS has always been the first choice for most gamers. The ROG Delta S is made by keeping gaming in mind, and it does deliver some great sound quality while playing games.

    This headphone comes with 60mm neodymium drivers that can easily recreate powerful sound effects and give you a very immersive experience while playing games.

    ASUS ROG Delta S set can be used with PS4 and PS5 controllers, PCs, and other devices. You can use it with Xbox One, mobile phones, laptops and even VR headsets without any issues, making it a perfect option for gamers.

    The folding ear cups of the headphone make it easy to store and carry around. Headphones are also very lightweight, and the open-back design of the headphones make them very comfortable to wear for extended periods. This set is not a wireless one, but it comes with a detachable USB cable (1.2m/3.0m) which can be connected to your gaming console controller or PC.

    The headset provides a good experience while playing games as the audio quality is just superb. It also has some advanced features like a noise-cancelling microphone powered by Aegis 2.0, which reduces outside noise so that you can easily communicate with your team members without any issues. It comes with a price tag of under $200, which makes it fabulous gaming headphones in this price range.

    Check Amazon price

    SteelSeries Arctis Pro High Fidelity Gaming Headset

    SteelSeries Arctis Pro High Fidelity Gaming Headset

    SteelSeries is another well-known brand when it comes to gaming headsets and headphones for PC and consoles. It has a wide range of products available in the market, but Arctis Pro seems to be their best option so far.

    This headphone comes with a great design which makes it very comfortable to wear: a ski goggle suspension band can be adjusted according to your head size. The ear cups of the headphone are made up of memory foam, and they are very soft, so you will not feel any pain while wearing them for long hours.

    The sound quality is just amazing as it uses the DTS Headphone:X v2.0 surround sound option, which gives you 360 degrees sound experience. On top of that, the Arctis Pro comes with an advanced game and chat mixer, which will let you adjust the audio levels of your chat and sound so that you can hear all the sounds clearly.

    The headphone is also very durable, and it even comes with a two-year limited warranty so that you can have peace of mind while spending your money on this product.

    Check Amazon price
    ASIN: B07B32GY9Z

    SteelSeries Arctis 5 Gaming Headset

    SteelSeries Arctis 5 Gaming Headset

    This is another excellent gaming headphone by SteelSeries that we highly recommend if you are looking for some good headphones under $200. This headphone can also be used with PS4 and PS5 controllers, plus it is wireless – you can connect it up to 40ft away from your console without any issues.

    The headphone comes with some great features like 7.1 DTS surround sound, RGB lighting and an advanced game mixer which will let you customise your sound settings to get the best experience while playing games.

    SteelSeries Arctis 5 is made using very high-quality materials, which makes it very durable and comfortable. It also has a retractable microphone so that you can easily chat with other gamers while playing online.

    Although it’s not as popular as Arctis Pro, it comes with a price tag of under $150, making it a perfect choice for gamers on a budget.

    Check Amazon price

    Studio monitor headphones under $200

    Music production is an art, and you need some excellent studio monitor headphones to get the best experience while producing music.

    If you are a beginner, it is better to go with some budget-friendly options as they won’t cost you much and will help you get the best experience.

    These are some of the best studio monitor headphones that you can use for music production.

    SENNHEISER HD 599 SE Around-Ear Open Back Headphone

    SENNHEISER HD 599 SE Around-Ear Open Back Headphone

    Sennheiser is one of the most respected brands when it comes to audio equipment, and they have some great studio monitor headphones that you can use for music production.

    SENNHEISER HD 599 SE is actually a new version of Sennheiser’s popular HD 598 Audio Headphones, one of audio enthusiasts’ most loved headphones.

    It has fantastic features like a 7mm dynamic driver unit for high-quality sound and an open-back ear cup design that provides better noise isolation and deep bass response. You can also count on its premium materials like soft velour ear pads and breathable fabric for comfort. The build quality of Sennheiser HD 599 SE is also top-notch, and they are built using premium materials.

    This headphone is best suited for studio monitor headphones as it gives you an accurate sound experience that can be used to produce the exact audio you want.

    This headphone comes with a 3-year limited warranty which means that you can use them for years without any issues.

    Check Amazon price

    Sennheiser Pro Audio HD 300 PRO

    Sennheiser Pro Audio HD 300 PRO

    This is another excellent headphone by Sennheiser that you can use for music production.

    This closed-back headphone comes with some great features, and it also uses high-quality materials for better durability.

    This headphone from Sennheiser uses an over the head design, which gives you a good grip so that the headphone doesn’t fall easily while working on your project. The ear cups of these headphones rotate to lay them flat on your neck while not using them.

    It is a wired headphone, and it uses a standard cable that is 3m long to connect them to your device easily.

    It has a high impedance so that you can easily use them with your music production device. The frequency response of these headphones is also excellent, and you can listen to the accurate sound from these headphones.

    The overall sound quality of this headphone is great, and the noise isolation which it offers is also splendid. It has a high impedance so that you can easily use them with your music production device.

    This headphone is equally suitable for mixing and mastering the audio as it gives you a real sound experience that will help you get the best sound output.

    Sennheiser Pro Audio HD 300 comes with an affordable price tag, and you can easily get this headphone for under $200, which makes it a perfect choice if you want to use a headphone for your everyday music production.

    Check Amazon price
    ASIN: B07G4XR72F

    Beyerdynamic Dt 990 Pro Over-Ear Studio Monitor Headphones

    Beyerdynamic Dt 990 Pro Over-Ear Studio Monitor Headphones

    These are another great set of studio monitor headphones that you can use for mixing and recording your audio.

    They come with different impedance studio headphone options so that you can choose one based on the amplifier you are using. These are also closed-back headphones which makes them ideal for regular music production sessions.

    It comes with great build quality, and it uses a combination of soft padding and open-back ear cups, which will provide you comfort while using these headphones for long hours.

    The only downside of these studio monitor headphones is that they are not foldable, so carrying them around can be a little tricky.

    Beyerdynamic Dt 990 Pro is also a budget-friendly option, and you can easily get these studio monitor headphones for under $150, which makes them very affordable.

    Check Amazon price

    Audio-Technica ATH-M50XWH Professional Studio Monitor Headphones

    Audio-Technica ATH-M50XWH Professional Studio Monitor Headphones

    What makes Audio-Technica ATH-M50XWH headphones special is that they are artist-approved semi open-back studio headphones.

    This headphone is very popular among music production professionals as the overall sound experience of these headphones is excellent. You will be able to hear the accurate lows, mids and highs from these headphones, which makes them suitable for recording your audio.

    Audio-Technica ATH-M50XWH uses a circumaural design that helps in providing maximum comfort while using these studio monitor headphones for long hours.

    It comes with an affordable price tag, and you can easily get this headphone for under $150, which makes it a great choice if you are looking for a reliable pair of studio monitor headphones.

    The only downside of these headphones is the poor noise cancellation, so these studio monitor headphones are unsuitable if you want to mix your audio in a noisy environment.

    Overall, they are great for mixing and recording your audio and will provide you with an authentic sound experience and offer a good comfort level to the user.

    Check Amazon price

    Marshall Monitor Bluetooth Wireless Over-Ear Headphone

    Marshall Monitor Bluetooth Wireless Over-Ear Headphone

    When you hear Marshall, you probably think about huge professional speakers used at big concerts. But they make headphones too!

    Marshall Monitor Bluetooth headphone is an excellent option if you want to buy a good set of wireless studio monitor headphones. It comes with an affordable price tag and uses Bluetooth technology to help you stream your favourite music from your smartphone or laptop wirelessly.

    Headphones have a simple design, nothing special or fancy. It is lightweight, but that could also be considered a downside if you are looking for super sturdy headphones.

    It also has an average battery life, and that’s the main downside of this headphone. But as it comes with an affordable price tag, you can easily consider purchasing Marshall Monitor Bluetooth Wireless Over-Ear Headphone.

    Check Amazon price

    The post The Best Headphones Under $200 appeared first on The Redwood Plan.

  • 06.09.2021 - 11:25 - Quelle: Blick über den Tellerrand

    When you are looking to spend almost $400 on a pair of headphones, you want to make sure you get one of the best headphones on the market. $400 is a lot of money, and it would be a shame to spend it on an underwhelming pair of headphones.

    The Redwood Plan want to help you pick out the best headphones under $400 in this article. First, we will look at what you should look for in a good pair of headphones, and later we will look at the top 20 best headphones available for under $400.

    Being music professionals, we know a thing or two about sound. This expertise has been used to test and review all of the recommended headphones in this article, ensuring you get great value, no matter which pair of headphones you pick.

    You can skip directly to our list of the top 20 best headphones under $400, or you can follow this article from top to bottom and receive helpful knowledge on how to pick out the right headphones for you.

    What To Look For in Headphones Under 400

    Before we look at the recommended headphones, we want to share some knowledge about what to look for in a pair of headphones when planning to spend less than $400.

    In this category, you won’t be able to get the best audiophile or studio headphones, but you will be able to get some outstanding ones. This makes this category perfect for people who want to spend less money on headphones and still get good value. If you are willing to pay a bit more, we have made another article about the best headphones under $500.

    By looking at these points below, you will be able to pick out some nice headphones within your price range:

    1. Drivers

    All headphones have drivers, no matter the price. When looking at a pair of headphones, you need to find out how large the drivers are. Usually, this is expressed as XXmm. The larger the driver, the better it will be able to reproduce sound and thus produce a more natural tone.

    2. Frequencies

    This refers to the range of frequencies the drivers can reproduce. The human ear can hear sounds that fall into three main groups: Low, Mid and High. Most headphones will reproduce all these frequencies very well, but some may leave out certain ones. Be sure to check which one is included before you buy them.

    3. Impedance

    This refers to the electrical resistance of the headphones. Speakers output sound by converting an electronic signal into mechanical vibrations that can then be turned back into sound using a different transducer. The impedance is measured in Ohms, and lower is better, as it means they require less power to work at their average level.

    4. Sensitivity

    This is a measure of how loud headphones are for a given amount of power. The sensitivity is measured in decibels (dB), and it tells you how effectively the drivers produce sound. 100 dB means that the headphones will play at their maximum level with just one milliwatt of power, while 90 dB requires ten times as much power.

    5. Freq Response

    This refers to how much of the entire spectrum of human hearing the headphones can reproduce. The response is measured in Hertz (Hz), and it shows you how low and high frequencies they can produce. 20 Hz – 20 kHz would mean that the headphones can reproduce sounds from as low as 20 Hz to as high as 20 kHz, the entire spectrum of human hearing. Most studio headphones fall into this range, although accurate audiophile models will reproduce even lower frequencies.

    Now that you know what to look for in a good pair of headphones under $400 let’s have a look at our pick of the top 20 best headphones available.

    The Best Headphones Available Under $400

    The top 20 best headphones under the $400 list that you will find below have been put together by professionals who know what they are talking about. Each pair of recommended headphones has been thoroughly tested to ensure they meet the high standards our team looks for in all the products we recommend.

    We won’t just tell you which ones are the best or which ones we like the most; we will notify you why they are so good and how to pick them out. We believe this is important as it gives you a better understanding of what’s available and what you should be looking for when making your purchase.

    This will also ensure that our list is accurate and relevant since it is based on actual research and not mere opinions. Click on the pair of headphones or scroll to learn what’s good about them.

    1. Sony WH-1000XM4 Wireless Industry Leading Noise Canceling Overhead Headphones with Mic
    2. Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700 — Over-Ear, Wireless Bluetooth Headphones with Built-In Microphone
    3. SENNHEISER HD 660 S – HiRes Audiophile Open Back Headphone
    4. Beyerdynamic DT 990 PRO 250 ohm – LIMITED EDITION
    5. HIFIMAN SUNDARA Hi-Fi Headphone with 3.5mm Connectors, Planar Magnetic, Comfortable Fit
    6. Sennheiser Pro Audio HD 650 Open Back Professional Headphone
    7. Skullcandy Crusher ANC Personalized Noise Canceling Wireless Headphone – Black
    8. Meze 99 Classics Walnut Gold Wired Over-Ear Headphones with Mic and Self Adjustable Headband
    9. SENNHEISER RS 195 RF Wireless Headphone System
    10. Audio-Technica ATH-R70x Professional Open-Back Reference Headphones
    11. Bowers & Wilkins PX7 Over-Ear Wireless Bluetooth Headphone, Adaptive Noise Cancelling – Carbon Edition
    12. Nuraphone — Wireless Bluetooth Over-Ear Headphones with Earbuds, Creates Personalized Sound, Active Noise Cancellation (ANC)
    13. V-MODA Crossfade 2 Wireless Over-Ear Headphones, Rose Gold
    14. HIFIMAN HE-400I Over-Ear Full-Size Planar Magnetic Headphones Adjustable Headphone with Comfortable Earpads Open-Back Design Easy Cable Swapping
    15. GTW Bundle of Plantronics Voyager 8200-UC Stereo Bluetooth Headphones
    16. Sennheiser HD600 HI-Fi Headphones
    17. V-MODA Crossfade M-100 Over-Ear Noise-Isolating Metal Headphone (White Silver)
    18. Phonon Subtonic Monitor Basic Headphones Smb-02
    19. SIVGA P-Ⅱ Over-Ear Open Back Walnut Wood Planar Magnetic Headphone
    20. Final Audio Design High-Resolution Headphone – Black (Sonorous III)

    What’s Good About These Headphones?

    Every pair of headphones on our list has something about them that we think is worth mentioning. When we look at the best headphones under $400, we want to find a good balance between sound quality and comfort.

    After all, you don’t want to spend your money on a product that doesn’t feel comfortable when it’s on your head or doesn’t deliver a good sound quality.

    1. Sony WH-1000XM4 Wireless Industry Leading Noise Canceling Overhead Headphones with Mic

    One of the things you’ll notice about this set is that it has a very stylish design which makes them great for wearing on the go.

    The Sony WH-1000XM4 are some of the best headphones under $400 because they are made using quality materials, have an incredibly comfortable design, and deliver high-quality audio performance.

    See more on Amazon.com
    ASIN: B0863TXGM3

    2. Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700 — Over-Ear, Wireless Bluetooth Headphones with Built-In Microphone

    What’s great about this set is that they have a very lightweight design, so you can wear them for hours without feeling uncomfortable.

    Another thing we like about these headphones is that they offer great value for money and sound amazing. The noise-canceling feature also works well.

    If you’re looking for high-quality over-ear headphones for your money, these are some of the best headphones under $400.

    The Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones 700 have a stylish and sleek design that makes them very comfortable to wear. They allow for a 3-level noise control which gives you more flexibility over how much outside sound you want to let in while listening to music.

    See more on Amazon.com

    3. SENNHEISER HD 660 S – HiRes Audiophile Open Back Headphone

    The Sennheiser HD 660 S delivers an incredibly natural and detailed sound that feels like you’re listening to your favorite music in a live concert.

    And the best part is that these headphones are pretty comfortable to wear for extended periods, so you can listen to them for hours without feeling any discomfort.

    We included these headphones in our list of the best headphones under $400 because they are made by one of the most respected audio equipment manufacturers in the world.

    So you can rest assured knowing that you’re getting good quality when you buy these headphones.

    See more on Amazon.com
    ASIN: B076HP574T

    4. Beyerdynamic DT 990 PRO 250 ohm – LIMITED EDITION

    If you’re looking for open-back headphones that deliver a more powerful and clear sound, then these Beyerdynamic DT 990 PRO headphones are the best choice.

    They have an incredibly ergonomic design, and they come with three detachable cables (1.5m – 3m coiled cable; 3m straight cable; and 3m straight cable w/ microphone).

    One of the things we like about these headphones is that they’re very comfortable to wear. They allow you to listen to your music for hours without feeling any discomfort.

    The Beyerdynamic DT 990 PRO deliver powerful and clear sound thanks to their open-back design. They provide good insulation against outside sounds, so you don’t have to worry about sound leakage.

    See more on Amazon.com
    ASIN: B010IJ9W1U

    5. HIFIMAN SUNDARA Hi-Fi Headphone with 3.5mm Connectors, Planar Magnetic, Comfortable Fit

    The HIFIMAN SUNDARA are among the best headphones under $400 because they have an ergonomic design, making them very comfortable to wear. They also feature a lightweight planar magnetic driver that delivers powerful and clear sound while blocking out noise.

    Another thing we like about these headphones is that they work great with almost any hi-fi system.

    Thanks to their lightweight and comfortable planar magnetic driver, the HIFIMAN SUNDARA are among our favourite headphones under $400. They deliver a powerful and clear sound that feels like you’re in a live concert while blocking out outside noise.

    See more on Amazon.com
    ASIN: B088T14XB8

    6. Sennheiser Pro Audio HD 650 Open Back Professional Headphone

    The Sennheiser Pro Audio HD 650 is the perfect headphones for those who like an open back design or want a powerful and detailed sound.

    These headphones provide crystal-clear sound thanks to their dynamic drivers, which delivers a clear separation of bass, mids, and highs. Thanks to their detachable cable with formable wire, you can use these headphones for years without any problems.

    Another thing that makes these headphones unique is their incredibly comfortable design. They fit perfectly around your head and ears, so you can enjoy listening to music for hours without feeling any discomfort.

    The Sennheiser Pro Audio HD 650 are some of the best headphones under $400 because they have a unique open-back design. They deliver clear and detailed sound with powerful bass while providing good insulation against outside noise.

    See more on Amazon.com
    ASIN: B00018MSNI

    7. Skullcandy Crusher ANC Personalized Noise Canceling Wireless Headphone – Black

    The Skullcandy Crusher are some of the best headphones under $400 because they have a unique design that ensures comfort and stability.

    They have an adjustable headband, so you can easily use them while travelling or at home. The ear cups are also nicely padded to ensure good insulation against outside noise.

    Another thing we like about this product is that it has a built-in noise-cancelling technology that you can turn on and off with the touch of a button.

    They also come with an audio cable, so you can easily connect them to your smartphone or music player while travelling. The Skullcandy Crusher deliver powerful bass without compromising the other frequencies in your music. They’re also very comfortable to wear for hours without feeling any discomfort.

    See more on Amazon.com

    8. Meze 99 Classics Walnut Gold Wired Over-Ear Headphones with Mic and Self Adjustable Headband

    The Meze 99 are some of the best headphones under $400 because they offer a unique design at an affordable price.

    They have retro-looking wooden ear cups, which makes them stand out from other similar products. They deliver powerful and detailed sound thanks to their high-quality drivers. You can also remove the cable to switch to wireless mode.

    They have a unique design that ensures comfort and stability, so you can use them for hours without feeling any discomfort. They’re also really lightweight, which makes them perfect for travelling or commuting to work.

    If you’re looking for some of the best headphones under $400, then these Meze 99 are an option to consider. They have a great looking design, a powerful audio performance, and they’re comfortable to wear for hours without feeling any discomfort.

    See more on Amazon.com
    ASIN: B018VZBH5M

    9. SENNHEISER RS 195 RF Wireless Headphone System

    The SENNHEISER RS 195 are some of the best headphones under $400 because they deliver a powerful and detailed sound performance.

    They’re perfect for listening to all kinds of music, but they work great with classical, rock or any other genre that requires an accurate bass response. They also come with a built-in amplifier that enhances the signal and adjusts the bass response.

    Another great thing about them is that they come with a transmitter that you can use to connect your TV and enjoy your favourite movies without any interruption in the sound. Since these headphones don’t have a cable but instead use radio signals to communicate between the headphones and the transmitter, it allows you to move around the room without the risk of getting tangled up in the cable.

    If you’re looking for a product with many advanced features and a great design, then these SENNHEISER RS 195 are an excellent choice. They have powerful audio performance, and they come with a wireless transmitter that you can use to connect your TV instead of the standard cable.

    See more on Amazon.com

    10. Audio-Technica ATH-R70x Professional Open-Back Reference Headphones

    The Audio-Technica ATH-R70x are some of the best headphones under $400 because they have a very balanced audio performance, with a nice open-back design.

    They’re perfect for using them while commuting or at home. They deliver a very accurate and natural sound that you can adjust according to your needs through their volume dial.

    Another great thing about these headphones is that they have an excellent build quality, so you can expect them to last for years. The ear cups are also nicely padded to make sure your ears don’t hurt after wearing them for several hours.

    They come with an audio cable and a carrying pouch, ensuring their nice transportability without sacrificing durability.

    If you’re looking for some of the best headphones under $400, then these Audio Technica ATH-R70x are an option to consider. They have a very balanced audio performance, and they come with an excellent open back design that makes them pretty comfortable to wear for hours without causing any discomfort.

    See more on Amazon.com
    ASIN: B00SKVNS00

    11. Bowers & Wilkins PX7 Over-Ear Wireless Bluetooth Headphone, Adaptive Noise Cancelling – Carbon Edition

    The Bowers & Wilkins PX7 are one of the best headphones under $400 because they’re very versatile and can be used to listen to all kinds of music genres.

    They’re great for commuting or travelling because they have active noise cancelling feature that reduces ambient noise by up to 85%. They also come with built-in Bluetooth that allows you to connect them to your smartphone or laptop wirelessly.

    You can also use the cable if you run out of battery and have no access to a power outlet. The Bowers & Wilkins PX7 offers an excellent sound performance with an accurate bass response and a well-balanced mid-range, but they lack a bit on the treble, so they might not be ideal for people who prefer a brighter sound.

    If you’re looking for some of the best headphones under $400, then these Bowers & Wilkins PX7 are an option to consider. They have a fantastic and versatile design, with active noise cancelling and Bluetooth connectivity that allows you to use them for hours without any discomfort and interruptions.

    See more on Amazon.com
    ASIN: B08H8L2JJL

    12. Nuraphone — Wireless Bluetooth Over-Ear Headphones with Earbuds, Creates Personalized Sound, Active Noise Cancellation (ANC)

    The Nuraphone are some of the best headphones under $400. They have a unique and innovative sound tuning feature that allows you to enjoy your favourite music without interruption in the audio performance.

    To get started with these headphones, all you need is to download their app and follow the on-screen instructions. Once done, put them on, let them adjust to the shape of your head, and you’ll immediately notice how they sound different from anything else.

    They have a unique design that makes them stand out among many other headphones, which also means that they’re not suitable for wearing at home or while commuting. They come with an audio cable with an in-line mic and volume controls, but you can’t use them while wearing them because they get pretty hot.

    They come with active noise cancelling feature that reduces ambient noise by up to 30%, so if you’re looking for headphones suitable for commuting or travelling, then these Nuraphone is an option to consider.

    See more on Amazon.com
    ASIN: B0833GMD7K

    13. V-MODA Crossfade 2 Wireless Over-Ear Headphones, Rose Gold

    The V-MODA Crossfade 2 are headphones designed for people who listen to music all day long and want the best sound experience without causing any discomfort at all.

    They offer incredible audio performance with high-definition sound, deep bass with no distortion and laser-precise highs that make their audio very enjoyable at all times. They also come with dual-diaphragm 50mm drivers that make sure to deliver a sound experience like no other.

    They come with impressive build quality, and they’re made entirely of metal, so you can expect them to last for years without any issues. They also look very nice and feel premium with their soft memory foam ear cushions.

    See more on Amazon.com
    ASIN: B06XX1SR33

    14. HIFIMAN HE-400I Over-Ear Full-Size Planar Magnetic Headphones Adjustable Headphone with Comfortable Earpads Open-Back Design Easy Cable Swapping

    The HIFIMAN HE400I is one of the best headphones under $400 because they offer great audio performance for all kinds of music genres. They also come with a nice and luxurious looking design that makes them stand out among many other headphones in this price range.

    They come with significant morphodynamic drivers that can deliver the most accurate sound reproduction, especially if you like to listen to intense bass music. They’re very comfortable for wearing for hours at a time, and they can easily be adjusted to your liking without any issues.

    They come with a built-in amplifier, so you don’t have to buy one separately to enjoy their impressive sound performance.

    They also have a friendly and sleek design that makes them suitable for all environments, from the studio to the living room.

    See more on Amazon.com
    ASIN: B00MULH672

    15. GTW Bundle of Plantronics Voyager 8200-UC Stereo Bluetooth Headphones

    The Plantronics Voyager 8200-UC are one of the best wireless Bluetooth headphones under $400 because they offer punchy bass without any distortion. They also have a modern and sleek design that makes them suitable for all environments, from the studio to the living room.

    They’re very comfortable to wear for hours at a time because they come with sizeable over-the-ear earcups that can fit perfectly around your ears without making you feel any discomfort. They’re also designed to withstand heavy use and repeated drops, so you don’t have to worry about breaking them in case of an accident.

    They also come with enhanced voice quality if you’re looking to answer calls while driving or commuting. They have a perfect battery that can last up to 7 hours without any issues.

    They’re one of the best wireless Bluetooth headphones under $400 because they provide you with crystal precise sound performance while also being built to survive many drops without being damaged.

    See more on Amazon.com
    ASIN: B07C3CLVC6

    16. Sennheiser HD600 HI-Fi Headphones

    The Sennheiser HD600 are one of the best open-back headphones under $400 because they deliver an impressive overall performance. They’re great for listening to all kinds of music genres, and they can provide the listener with vibrant and detailed sound quality, especially if you like to listen to music with deep and tight bass.

    They also have a modern and sleek design that makes them stand out among other headphones in their price range. They come with patented Duofol diaphragms that can deliver an accurate sound reproduction, which is especially noticeable if you like listening to your favourite songs at high volumes.

    They have a closed-back design, so they don’t have the best passive noise isolation. They are comfortable to wear for hours at a time, and you can easily take them with you wherever you want.

    See more on Amazon.com
    ASIN: B07JMC6VW5

    17. V-MODA Crossfade M-100 Over-Ear Noise-Isolating Metal Headphone (White Silver)

    The V-MODA Crossfade M-100 is one of the best over-ear headphones under $400 because it has an impressive overall sound performance. They come with enhanced bass extension, so you can listen to them for hours without experiencing any fatigue at all.

    They also have an amiable and sleek design that makes them stand out among other headphones in their price range. They’re very durable, and they can easily withstand drops or accidents without getting damaged.

    They come with 50mm dual-diaphragm drivers that can deliver enhanced bass performance, so you can listen to your favourite music genres without experiencing any distortion. These headphones have a closed-back design, so they don’t have the best noise isolation.

    However, they come with a solid construction, so you don’t have to worry about damage when you accidentally drop them on the floor. They come in different colour schemes, and they can easily be adjusted according to your liking.

    See more on Amazon.com
    ASIN: B00A39PPI0

    18. Phonon Subtonic Monitor Basic Headphones Smb-02

    The Phonon Subtonic Monitor Headphones are among the best over-ear headphones under $400 because they deliver an impressive overall performance. They’re equipped with 50mm drivers that can provide excellent sound quality, especially listening to deep bass music genres.

    They also have a compact and foldable design that makes them stand out among other headphones in this price range. They’re very comfortable to wear for an extended period, and they come with a soft headband that you can easily adjust according to your liking.

    They also have a great design that makes them look elegant and eye-catching, so you don’t have to worry about people noticing your headphones in public. They come with a 3m cable long enough for most people, and they also have an in-line microphone.

    See more on Amazon.com
    ASIN: B00F1W0FS4

    19. SIVGA P-Ⅱ Over-Ear Open Back Walnut Wood Planar Magnetic Headphone

    The SIVGA P-Ⅱ are some of the best over-ear headphones under $400 because they have impressive overall sound quality. They’re specially designed for people who love listening to organic sounds, and they deliver a natural frequency response that makes them stand out from other headphones in this price range.

    They don’t have active noise-cancelling technology, but they have splendid passive noise isolation. They come with a 90-degree swivel design, and they can be easily adjusted according to your head size.

    They also have a beautiful walnut wood planar design that makes them look elegant and luxurious. You can also choose between three different types of earpads so you can always find a pair that fits your needs and personal style.

    They come with a detachable cable, which is always a good feature.

    See more on Amazon.com
    ASIN: B082XWQ2YL

    20. Final Audio Design High-Resolution Headphone – Black (Sonorous III)

    The Final Audio Design Sonorous III are some of the best over-ear headphones under $400 because they have an incredible overall sound performance. They come with dual full-range 50 mm drivers that can reproduce any type of music, from classical to heavy metal genres.

    They also have a sleek design that makes them look elegant and modern at the same time. They’re made of aluminium alloy and stainless steel, so they can resist any damage and look new even after a few years.

    They come with 45° swivelling earcups that make them perfect for any type of situation or activity, from listening to music on your laptop to watching movies with friends. They also come with a 5-50,000 Hz comprehensive frequency response that delivers a detailed and crisp sound quality.

    They have an integrated microphone and a 3.5mm connection cable so that you can use them with any type of electronic device.

    See more on Amazon.com
    ASIN: B01CGSK15C


    If you’re looking for the best headphones under $400, then you came to the right place. All of these headphones have an impressive overall sound performance, and they look elegant enough so you can wear them in public without being embarrassed.

    They come with different features, so it all comes down to your personal preferences when choosing a pair of headphones. You can also read our best over-ear headphones under $300 article if you don’t feel like spending $400 but still want a high-quality product for your needs.

    The post The Top 20 Best Headphones Under $400 appeared first on The Redwood Plan.